Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Who is ALLAH ? The ONE and ONLY! Our Creator!The One who made this exquisite universe!
HE made us out of dirty fluid and yet we are the most beautiful of all HIS creations!
Look at your body!It works so perfectly!Just ask a doctor and he will tell you how each complicated minute organ is so important for us to remain healthy and yet we are least bothered although even if we say thanks with each breath we cannot repay Allah swt for all that HE has showered us with!
Every tiny organ is priceless but yet we use it free of charge all the time and every time!
Our one eye is fitted with a thousand cameras----amazing isn't it -- ask the blind and they will tell you what seeing means. Bow down and thank HIM for all wonderful gifts that are fitted in our bodies! Our brain,heart and liver are doing millions of functions every second and in comparison we cannot run one small factory by ourselves!
Each and every cell of our body has a role to play and if it doesn't.....we fall ill...very,very ill!
We humans have a role to play but unfortunately we prefer to be sick --- morally sick -- we use our eyes,ears and hands in HIS disobedience and don't care a damn about it!
Wake up everyone !It may be too late!We can die any moment !The kafn and Dafn can happen any second so let's not act dumb-- that grave needs high voltage bulbs so start illuminating it by adopting the farz and sunnat laws!The Tablighi Jamaat Taleems have opened up my eyes and heart to the actual,whole and one and only truth so do check them out --- they are doing a splendid job!
They tell us to read a few pages from the book "Fazail-e -Amaal" daily and believe me they are very right!We are so stubborn and rigid in the ways of our elders that we are completely blind to the rays of guidance shinning from up above us.
It is a simple yet fantastic book.It teaches us the importance of Salaat,Zikr,Kalma and the lives of the Sahabah-May Allah swt bless them with paradise.Ameen!
Most important of all they tell us how important Allah swt is---- no joking, kids, but you and me are quite ignorant of our Glorious Provider!
If you tell a child who is still in his mothers womb that one day he will be going to this huge magnificent world where he will grow up to become a man let me assure he won't believe you --Stop kidding is the answer you will get!
Here in this world we are exactly in the same situation so please don't say " Okay guys we will think about the hereafter when we land there, so stop bugging me. Let me enjoy the worldly pleasures in peace!"
Man created this computer by working on a silcon chip ---it is the base of this incredible machine and to-day the world is practically running on it so just think kids if you and me work on the word.
how much we can achieve -- the best of both the worlds -- mark my words and start to-day because, maybe, tomorrow may never come!
Iman teaches us all the intricate details on how to be a perfect momin so start working on how to make Iman -- it is the key to success so don't act like a..... fool !Sorry for using such a harsh word but the only one that fits is ...... idiots!
Just think for a moment --- adopting one sunnat is like getting the reward of a hundred shaheeds so excell one another in getting those divine awards!Buy a book of sunnat ways and shoot!
This world is like a movie and we are the actors .It is a very short film and the scenes are changing rapidly and preety soon it is going to end----- Where will we be when Allah swt decides to switch this TV off! Hell or Heaven!
In the wash room you spend only that much of time as is absolutely necessary so remember this world is like a fantastic loo so spend your time in all your daily activities only as much is necessary and the rest of your day in tabligh and HIS ibadat!
This world is as worthless as a dead goat lying on the road.It is like the drop of water on your finger after you dip it into the sea -- the sea being our here-after!Note all the comparisons without being prejudiced.Do not listen to satans whisperings and inshallah you will be knocking on Heavens door when the time comes!
This world is like an airport or a railway station where we spend a few hours and say "adieu" -- have to leave this world sooner or later so come on lets make preparations for our ultimate destination -- Paradise!
Consider this world an examination hall --- if we are serious and put our efforts in solving the paper the chances are we will be triumphant but if we start playing around or dancing we would be the biggest losers--- so move your butt and let's prove we and we only are the ultimate winners!
If we avoid all the useless diversions and worldly desires Allah swt will, inshallah, show us the path leading to heaven so let's not act deaf,dumb or blind-
"No would break my heart so please say"YES DUDE"!
When a child is heading towards an open fire won't we stop him?Allah swt loves us dearly so HE keeps sending us problems so that we turn towards HIM --- so please do turn now--tomorrow may be too late! Even if we buy a worthless thing we check it before buying it so in the same way Allah swt showers HIS punishments on us to see how firm we are in HIS love!
The grave is going to be our final destination to-day or tomorrow so lets decorate it with our Quran recitation,Zikr,Sadaqah and most important of all Prayers --We want to live in a magnificent mansion here so why not there also -- the choice is ours,remember!
If some one told us there is a snake in the house what would we do --- we won't enter it till the ugly reptile is killed but what should we do if our little grave is full of them!Picture that scene before it becomes a reality!
Allah swt says that the heavens and earth can split if some one says that there are two Gods and all the Kafirs who are so intelligent cannot understand this very minor but extremely important detail but yet we muslims consider them semi-gods and follow their ways and customs like an obedient puppy! The Kafirs are the richest and most powerful in the world inspite of their twisted belief of Allah swt.These unfortunate people have been showered with all the best here but will not get even a drop of water in the here-after so do not envy them or consider them your shepherds!We are not some dumb sheep so why impersonate them!
Following one's nafs is the greatest shirk but yet we fail to grasp the depth of sin involved but if we meditate on the world around us then inshallah the truth will prevail so happy hunting Kids!
Satan can attack us in many ways except from above and below us.We say our prayers sitting below and Allah swt's blessings come from above so don't discard these two shields. Don't Kids,don't!The Devil tells us to do excess ibadat so that we get fed up,persuades us to exaggerate in worldly ways so that we get the disease of wanting to be praised,convinces us that our vices are virtues,stops us from sadaqah saying we will become poor.
Most important of all he tells us to indulge in all the sins around saying Allah swt is very Merciful so we will be forgiven !Satan excells in his job so recite the dua of protection constantly!
Gossip is the "in" thing -- we can't survive without it but have we ever thought of what we loose when we open our big mouths and keep them open -- wide open!We loose all our hard earned good deeds within minutes -- so silence is the name of the game!
Allah swts wrath is upon those who see evil but do nothing to stop it!Allah swts fury is worse than the most disastrous tusnami.
The noblest are those who forbid evil and enjoin good amongst the people but we feel they are the most sick characters around and avoid them like the plague.
Cursed are those who do no follow the Divine commands and yet we are not bothered --- we have'nt seen the tortures of the grave so lets have fun while the sun shines is our logo and what a logo it is !
If we do not do tabligh Allah swt will not accept our prayers or help,respond or favour us.If our boss said that if we do not do the job right we would be in his bad books mark my words you and me would forget to sleep, eat or have fun till the job is done.
The downfall of the muslim ummah began when they started considering the world to be glorious.The awe and importance of Islam vanished from our hearts and we are what you see to-day -- a degraded people!
When Prophet Solomans army was racing across the land a small ant shouted to the rest to run into their homes before the oncoming horses crush them and therby saved all!The tiny ant knows the importance of preaching good but we have failed ---stubborn failures are what we are!
In a certain country a man saw that the small dam of their area was damaged so he went to various people to do something about it but no-one had the time --- the teacher ,the doctor and the social worker said they were all busy doing good deeds so they counld't help so the poor man tried repairing the dam himself but before he could finish a flood came and swept the whole town away.Tabligh is like that dam.Let's work on it before Allah swts punishment descends upon us all!
All the best things in this world is for us if it has been written in our no matter how good or bad we are but the path to Allah swt is only for those who seek it with sincerity and they are the ultimate sucessors the people who have the world cup in their hands for the whole world to see so grab it kids ---- this price less gift should be ours!
We all go to school.It is important but it will help us only untill we are alive but religious education effects are eternal.Worldy education is like being on the fiftyth storey and enjoyng all the fantastic things this world has to offer but islamic education is like having landed on the hundredth storey -- Paradise!Don't neglect religious education -- no matter how humilating the sarcastic remarks are! Now if we have a pet hen we can give her her feed in a small pan or spread it all over our garden and since the poor dear has to survive she will spend the whole day running all over the garden to fill her stomach.Allah swt behaves with us in the same way --if we wish to spend time in HIS worship HE puts our rizq in a small pan otherwise HE makes us run from pillar to post to earn that very same amount of rizq!Amazing but true so why not kill two birds with one shot -- get our daily rizq and also be bestowed with HIS rewards and blessings!
A glass of clean water will absorb any colour but black coloured water can never change so let's purify our black hearts by getting rid of all the worldly customs and evil kuffar ways.Let's absorb Allah swts love and HIS guidance,commands and rewards and inshallah live in luxury till eternity!
If anyone says stupid to us won't it affect us --- we would get angry,irritated and depressed so in the same way do the Words of Allah swt work on our heart-- especially Surah Fatiha -- the ayats of spiritual and physical shifa!Recite them often.blow on your palms and wipe your body with them or blow it on some water and drink it with the conviction that it will cure you and inshallah it will! Faith is important kids or it won't work.
What would would happen if we put one seed on the table and the other in the soil?tThe one in the soil would grow into a beautiful plant whilst the other one would shrivel up and die so in the same way is our enviroment important for us.Bad company will be a horrible death and good gatherings would fly you over the seven heavens so put on your seat belts and lets take off to destination un-seen!
Just imagine how a brain less seed grows into a beautiful plant --- it knows exactly what type,colour and height it should be!If it did'nt behave so just imagine what would have happened --- the whole earth would have been one huge dense forest with no place for us since all the wild beasts would be in power.Am I exaggerating the events or do you get the simple point I am trying to hammer into your stubborn brains!Sorry for being rude but I am a bit sensitive when it comes to this topic.
How can I not afford to get furious or sarcastic since we don't know at which moment we are going to die.Remember what happened to the people who got caught in the tusnami disaster -- within seconds their lives took a turn of 360 degrees --- it could happen to you and me so shoun'dt we be prepared to step into the new world with all the appropriate passes -- the best VIP passport --- the most excellant visa ! Suppose we have a colourful sweet in one hand and a blank cheque in the other and offer both to a child.If he was ignorant he would grab the sweet like we are doing to-day.Allah swt is still holding out HIS HAND with a blank cheque but we are too busy satisfying our worldly lusts to look beyond the horizon of death!
Dearest kids do zikr everytime and anytime no matter what the circumstances except when in an un- clean state.Zikr is the easiest way for a lazy person like you and me to enter Parasdise so don't ignore it or the loss will be ours and O my God what a loss it would be!
Zikr is equal to jehad,like life,devil runs away,the heart become soft ,will get best of both the worlds,it cleanses the black spots on our heart,a pillar of divine light shakes till Allah swt forgives us our sins,a beautiful house is built in jannat and much,much more. The rewards for just moving your lips even whilst lying on your soft beds are so numerous that one can not even write them down so shut the sick gossip crap and glorify the ONE Who has blessed you with all what you have and will get in the future!
Do you know that all living things do zikr - the birds and plants and strange but true even the non livings things do zikr like the rivers and seas!Prophet Muhammad's {pbuh} mimber cried when his master got a new one so who are we to ignore such an important responsibility --- who indeed!
If the heavens and earth are in one balance and the kalma in the other it would out weigh it.Just think for a second if all our sins are in one scale of a balance and our abundant recitation of the kalma on the other end how sure we could be of passing the test to enter paradise --- Let's focus our aims,ambitions and dreams in this direction and inshallah enjoy its sweet fruits in heaven!
Well what are you waiting for -- get cracking nitwit!
If a person recites the kalma without acting on it it goes up to the seven heavens for confirmation and returns seething with fury saying
"You liar" --"May Allah swt protect us from such vengence! Ameen"
There was once a kafir king who had made life hell for the muslims and one day he was caught by his enemy.They put him into a big pot and lighted a fire around it.The unfortunate royalty called out to his idols to save him and when no-one responded he started reciting the kalma from within the depths of his heart so Allah swt sent a fierce wind which blew the pot to a distant land.The king got out and told them of his miraculous escape and thereby a new nation of muslims emerged so no matter how evil we are this kalma is our ticket to Jannat.Grab it and protect it for it is more valuable than the whole wide world!
When one recites the third kalma plants grow in paradise,sins are forgiven and its reward is equal to mount Uhud.It also whispers the name of its reciter near the magnificent Divine Throne - now if someone told me to say certain special words and the President of Pakistan would acknowledge me let me assure you I would be humming it the whole day long and all the bees would be jealous of my melodious tone!
The devil is our most dangerous invisible enemy -- he is literally flowing in our blood -- his evil claws are dug in our hearts but when we do zikr he runs away like as if hell has broken loose!Make it run before he gains control over you --- please I beg you!
He is constantly whispering evil in such a beautiful way that we do not realise we are in his grip and we do sinful deeds happily and confidently.He never leave us alone except when Allah swts name is mentioned then he goes fuming with rage,so keep your lips moist with glorifications, words of forgiveness and duas -- dua is the only thing that changes destiny -- never ever forget that especially when you are depressed,lonely and broken down!
It seems satan was preety good at first and only when Allah swt commanded him to bow to Adam pbuh did he change.He was too proud to bow before an insignificant human and was thereby thrown down on to earth so just imagine what would happen to us if we refused to bow before Allah swt!O my God the consequences are too horrible to describe ,so hurry,do wuzu and get on to the prayer mat before....before the death bells begin to toll!
Salaat is like the head of our body -- have you ever seen a headless person roaming around -- we can live a hundred years without a lot of organs but never without our head so don't loose it by ignoring namaz.
Missing prayer means our name is wiped out of the list of the people going to Jannat!God forbid, it ever happens to me or you,so please,do start being punctual in your sajdas! Our holy Prophet pbuh used to stand for prayer whenever he encountered any difficulty or danger so what about us useless creatures -- there is no end to our problems but we prefer rushing all around town to get them resolved instead of doing the most easiest and best way of finding the solution -- we sure are stupid -- we muslims should enter our names in the Guiness world record as the dumbest people of the world!I am not joking kids so stop kidding yourself! There is an awful doom for the one who neglects namaz -- his name is written on the doors of hell.The lost prayer kindles the fire in hell.Just imagine --it is true ,my God,the truth,whether you believe it or not!
A bad salaat will hit us on our face on the Day of Judgement and a missed one is like losing our family and wealth so think about the consequences of discarding it all together --- there are no words to describe it--
" Ya Allah please I beg YOU make us worship YOU like we should.Ameen"
Prophet Muhammad pbuh was raised to the seven heavens just so he could receive the gift of five prayers although it could have been sent down but ---no-- it was too precious a treasure so he had to make the journey to the Celestial heights and to-day we feel it is a useless activity and try to ignore it or get over it as soon as we can! The rewards for saying salaat are so numerous that I cannot pen them down --- everything you desire can be got through a Perfect prayer -- happiness,health peace etc etc --- you name it and it is yours but you must be patient and persistent in excelling this responsibility and incase you do not get want you want you will be compensated with sukoon --- the biggest treasure of all riches of the world!
When a person is sick he refuses to eat all the good stuff he likes so in the same way a sick person ignores Ibadat -- Alhumdulilah, you and me are surely not in that category so lets do wuzu and pay due respect to the One and Only Lord of this Universe today,and inshallah,every day. Ameen.
One very,very important advice -- no matter how fantastic a deed we do if it is Not for the sake of Allah swt then it looses its worth and in some cases it becomes a source of severe punishment so let's pray. "Ya Allah cleanse our hearts and make us sincere in all our intentions.Do not let the devil promt us towards sin and wickedness.Ameen"
Gossip hardens our heart like Pharaoh's was -- the most wretched creature on earth!The farz and sunnat commands can not enter it.Gossip means we consider talking about all other affairs so important that we have no time to discuss Allah swt and HIS Greatness!
Music and gossip are both tools of the devil and belive me he sure knows how to spread his evil tentacles within our twisted minds and diseased hearts!Bad habits can never change so break them now or we will end up in the pit of hell!
Tabligh! Over one lac prophets were sent just for this purpose and we do not even bother to think abut it!Are we mad or just dumb,deaf and blind! Okay Kids I end here that is if you are with me still -- May Allah swt bless you all with the best. Ameen -- Please remember me in your prayers and forgive me if in anyway I have hurt your feelings because that was not the intention. LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVE.
"May Allah swt bless,forgive,guide and protect us. Ameen"