Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Iman teaches us all the intricate details on how to be a perfect momin so start working on how to make Iman -- it is the key to success so don't act like a..... fool !Sorry for using such a harsh word but the only one that fits is ...... idiots!
Just think for a moment --- adopting one sunnat is like getting the reward of a hundred shaheeds so excell one another in getting those divine awards!Buy a book of sunnat ways and shoot!
This world is like a movie and we are the actors .It is a very short film and the scenes are changing rapidly and preety soon it is going to end----- Where will we be when Allah swt decides to switch this TV off! Hell or Heaven!
In the wash room you spend only that much of time as is absolutely necessary so remember this world is like a fantastic loo so spend your time in all your daily activities only as much is necessary and the rest of your day in tabligh and HIS ibadat!
This world is as worthless as a dead goat lying on the road.It is like the drop of water on your finger after you dip it into the sea -- the sea being our here-after!Note all the comparisons without being prejudiced.Do not listen to satans whisperings and inshallah you will be knocking on Heavens door when the time comes!
This world is like an airport or a railway station where we spend a few hours and say "adieu" -- have to leave this world sooner or later so come on lets make preparations for our ultimate destination -- Paradise!
Consider this world an examination hall --- if we are serious and put our efforts in solving the paper the chances are we will be triumphant but if we start playing around or dancing we would be the biggest losers--- so move your butt and let's prove we and we only are the ultimate winners!
If we avoid all the useless diversions and worldly desires Allah swt will, inshallah, show us the path leading to heaven so let's not act deaf,dumb or blind-
"No would break my heart so please say"YES DUDE"!
When a child is heading towards an open fire won't we stop him?Allah swt loves us dearly so HE keeps sending us problems so that we turn towards HIM --- so please do turn now--tomorrow may be too late! Even if we buy a worthless thing we check it before buying it so in the same way Allah swt showers HIS punishments on us to see how firm we are in HIS love!
The grave is going to be our final destination to-day or tomorrow so lets decorate it with our Quran recitation,Zikr,Sadaqah and most important of all Prayers --We want to live in a magnificent mansion here so why not there also -- the choice is ours,remember!
If some one told us there is a snake in the house what would we do --- we won't enter it till the ugly reptile is killed but what should we do if our little grave is full of them!Picture that scene before it becomes a reality!
Allah swt says that the heavens and earth can split if some one says that there are two Gods and all the Kafirs who are so intelligent cannot understand this very minor but extremely important detail but yet we muslims consider them semi-gods and follow their ways and customs like an obedient puppy! The Kafirs are the richest and most powerful in the world inspite of their twisted belief of Allah swt.These unfortunate people have been showered with all the best here but will not get even a drop of water in the here-after so do not envy them or consider them your shepherds!We are not some dumb sheep so why impersonate them!
Following one's nafs is the greatest shirk but yet we fail to grasp the depth of sin involved but if we meditate on the world around us then inshallah the truth will prevail so happy hunting Kids!
Satan can attack us in many ways except from above and below us.We say our prayers sitting below and Allah swt's blessings come from above so don't discard these two shields. Don't Kids,don't!The Devil tells us to do excess ibadat so that we get fed up,persuades us to exaggerate in worldly ways so that we get the disease of wanting to be praised,convinces us that our vices are virtues,stops us from sadaqah saying we will become poor.
Most important of all he tells us to indulge in all the sins around saying Allah swt is very Merciful so we will be forgiven !Satan excells in his job so recite the dua of protection constantly!
Gossip is the "in" thing -- we can't survive without it but have we ever thought of what we loose when we open our big mouths and keep them open -- wide open!We loose all our hard earned good deeds within minutes -- so silence is the name of the game!

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