Tuesday, March 4, 2008

When one recites the third kalma plants grow in paradise,sins are forgiven and its reward is equal to mount Uhud.It also whispers the name of its reciter near the magnificent Divine Throne - now if someone told me to say certain special words and the President of Pakistan would acknowledge me let me assure you I would be humming it the whole day long and all the bees would be jealous of my melodious tone!
The devil is our most dangerous invisible enemy -- he is literally flowing in our blood -- his evil claws are dug in our hearts but when we do zikr he runs away like as if hell has broken loose!Make it run before he gains control over you --- please I beg you!
He is constantly whispering evil in such a beautiful way that we do not realise we are in his grip and we do sinful deeds happily and confidently.He never leave us alone except when Allah swts name is mentioned then he goes fuming with rage,so keep your lips moist with glorifications, words of forgiveness and duas -- dua is the only thing that changes destiny -- never ever forget that especially when you are depressed,lonely and broken down!
It seems satan was preety good at first and only when Allah swt commanded him to bow to Adam pbuh did he change.He was too proud to bow before an insignificant human and was thereby thrown down on to earth so just imagine what would happen to us if we refused to bow before Allah swt!O my God the consequences are too horrible to describe ,so hurry,do wuzu and get on to the prayer mat before....before the death bells begin to toll!
Salaat is like the head of our body -- have you ever seen a headless person roaming around -- we can live a hundred years without a lot of organs but never without our head so don't loose it by ignoring namaz.
Missing prayer means our name is wiped out of the list of the people going to Jannat!God forbid, it ever happens to me or you,so please,do start being punctual in your sajdas! Our holy Prophet pbuh used to stand for prayer whenever he encountered any difficulty or danger so what about us useless creatures -- there is no end to our problems but we prefer rushing all around town to get them resolved instead of doing the most easiest and best way of finding the solution -- we sure are stupid -- we muslims should enter our names in the Guiness world record as the dumbest people of the world!I am not joking kids so stop kidding yourself! There is an awful doom for the one who neglects namaz -- his name is written on the doors of hell.The lost prayer kindles the fire in hell.Just imagine --it is true ,my God,the truth,whether you believe it or not!
A bad salaat will hit us on our face on the Day of Judgement and a missed one is like losing our family and wealth so think about the consequences of discarding it all together --- there are no words to describe it--
" Ya Allah please I beg YOU make us worship YOU like we should.Ameen"
Prophet Muhammad pbuh was raised to the seven heavens just so he could receive the gift of five prayers although it could have been sent down but ---no-- it was too precious a treasure so he had to make the journey to the Celestial heights and to-day we feel it is a useless activity and try to ignore it or get over it as soon as we can! The rewards for saying salaat are so numerous that I cannot pen them down --- everything you desire can be got through a Perfect prayer -- happiness,health peace etc etc --- you name it and it is yours but you must be patient and persistent in excelling this responsibility and incase you do not get want you want you will be compensated with sukoon --- the biggest treasure of all riches of the world!
When a person is sick he refuses to eat all the good stuff he likes so in the same way a sick person ignores Ibadat -- Alhumdulilah, you and me are surely not in that category so lets do wuzu and pay due respect to the One and Only Lord of this Universe today,and inshallah,every day. Ameen.

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