Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What would would happen if we put one seed on the table and the other in the soil?tThe one in the soil would grow into a beautiful plant whilst the other one would shrivel up and die so in the same way is our enviroment important for us.Bad company will be a horrible death and good gatherings would fly you over the seven heavens so put on your seat belts and lets take off to destination un-seen!
Just imagine how a brain less seed grows into a beautiful plant --- it knows exactly what type,colour and height it should be!If it did'nt behave so just imagine what would have happened --- the whole earth would have been one huge dense forest with no place for us since all the wild beasts would be in power.Am I exaggerating the events or do you get the simple point I am trying to hammer into your stubborn brains!Sorry for being rude but I am a bit sensitive when it comes to this topic.
How can I not afford to get furious or sarcastic since we don't know at which moment we are going to die.Remember what happened to the people who got caught in the tusnami disaster -- within seconds their lives took a turn of 360 degrees --- it could happen to you and me so shoun'dt we be prepared to step into the new world with all the appropriate passes -- the best VIP passport --- the most excellant visa ! Suppose we have a colourful sweet in one hand and a blank cheque in the other and offer both to a child.If he was ignorant he would grab the sweet like we are doing to-day.Allah swt is still holding out HIS HAND with a blank cheque but we are too busy satisfying our worldly lusts to look beyond the horizon of death!
Dearest kids do zikr everytime and anytime no matter what the circumstances except when in an un- clean state.Zikr is the easiest way for a lazy person like you and me to enter Parasdise so don't ignore it or the loss will be ours and O my God what a loss it would be!
Zikr is equal to jehad,like life,devil runs away,the heart become soft ,will get best of both the worlds,it cleanses the black spots on our heart,a pillar of divine light shakes till Allah swt forgives us our sins,a beautiful house is built in jannat and much,much more. The rewards for just moving your lips even whilst lying on your soft beds are so numerous that one can not even write them down so shut the sick gossip crap and glorify the ONE Who has blessed you with all what you have and will get in the future!
Do you know that all living things do zikr - the birds and plants and strange but true even the non livings things do zikr like the rivers and seas!Prophet Muhammad's {pbuh} mimber cried when his master got a new one so who are we to ignore such an important responsibility --- who indeed!
If the heavens and earth are in one balance and the kalma in the other it would out weigh it.Just think for a second if all our sins are in one scale of a balance and our abundant recitation of the kalma on the other end how sure we could be of passing the test to enter paradise --- Let's focus our aims,ambitions and dreams in this direction and inshallah enjoy its sweet fruits in heaven!
Well what are you waiting for -- get cracking nitwit!
If a person recites the kalma without acting on it it goes up to the seven heavens for confirmation and returns seething with fury saying
"You liar" --"May Allah swt protect us from such vengence! Ameen"
There was once a kafir king who had made life hell for the muslims and one day he was caught by his enemy.They put him into a big pot and lighted a fire around it.The unfortunate royalty called out to his idols to save him and when no-one responded he started reciting the kalma from within the depths of his heart so Allah swt sent a fierce wind which blew the pot to a distant land.The king got out and told them of his miraculous escape and thereby a new nation of muslims emerged so no matter how evil we are this kalma is our ticket to Jannat.Grab it and protect it for it is more valuable than the whole wide world!

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