Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Allah swts wrath is upon those who see evil but do nothing to stop it!Allah swts fury is worse than the most disastrous tusnami.
The noblest are those who forbid evil and enjoin good amongst the people but we feel they are the most sick characters around and avoid them like the plague.
Cursed are those who do no follow the Divine commands and yet we are not bothered --- we have'nt seen the tortures of the grave so lets have fun while the sun shines is our logo and what a logo it is !
If we do not do tabligh Allah swt will not accept our prayers or help,respond or favour us.If our boss said that if we do not do the job right we would be in his bad books mark my words you and me would forget to sleep, eat or have fun till the job is done.
The downfall of the muslim ummah began when they started considering the world to be glorious.The awe and importance of Islam vanished from our hearts and we are what you see to-day -- a degraded people!
When Prophet Solomans army was racing across the land a small ant shouted to the rest to run into their homes before the oncoming horses crush them and therby saved all!The tiny ant knows the importance of preaching good but we have failed ---stubborn failures are what we are!
In a certain country a man saw that the small dam of their area was damaged so he went to various people to do something about it but no-one had the time --- the teacher ,the doctor and the social worker said they were all busy doing good deeds so they counld't help so the poor man tried repairing the dam himself but before he could finish a flood came and swept the whole town away.Tabligh is like that dam.Let's work on it before Allah swts punishment descends upon us all!
All the best things in this world is for us if it has been written in our no matter how good or bad we are but the path to Allah swt is only for those who seek it with sincerity and they are the ultimate sucessors the people who have the world cup in their hands for the whole world to see so grab it kids ---- this price less gift should be ours!
We all go to school.It is important but it will help us only untill we are alive but religious education effects are eternal.Worldy education is like being on the fiftyth storey and enjoyng all the fantastic things this world has to offer but islamic education is like having landed on the hundredth storey -- Paradise!Don't neglect religious education -- no matter how humilating the sarcastic remarks are! Now if we have a pet hen we can give her her feed in a small pan or spread it all over our garden and since the poor dear has to survive she will spend the whole day running all over the garden to fill her stomach.Allah swt behaves with us in the same way --if we wish to spend time in HIS worship HE puts our rizq in a small pan otherwise HE makes us run from pillar to post to earn that very same amount of rizq!Amazing but true so why not kill two birds with one shot -- get our daily rizq and also be bestowed with HIS rewards and blessings!
A glass of clean water will absorb any colour but black coloured water can never change so let's purify our black hearts by getting rid of all the worldly customs and evil kuffar ways.Let's absorb Allah swts love and HIS guidance,commands and rewards and inshallah live in luxury till eternity!
If anyone says stupid to us won't it affect us --- we would get angry,irritated and depressed so in the same way do the Words of Allah swt work on our heart-- especially Surah Fatiha -- the ayats of spiritual and physical shifa!Recite them often.blow on your palms and wipe your body with them or blow it on some water and drink it with the conviction that it will cure you and inshallah it will! Faith is important kids or it won't work.

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