Tuesday, March 4, 2008

One very,very important advice -- no matter how fantastic a deed we do if it is Not for the sake of Allah swt then it looses its worth and in some cases it becomes a source of severe punishment so let's pray. "Ya Allah cleanse our hearts and make us sincere in all our intentions.Do not let the devil promt us towards sin and wickedness.Ameen"
Gossip hardens our heart like Pharaoh's was -- the most wretched creature on earth!The farz and sunnat commands can not enter it.Gossip means we consider talking about all other affairs so important that we have no time to discuss Allah swt and HIS Greatness!
Music and gossip are both tools of the devil and belive me he sure knows how to spread his evil tentacles within our twisted minds and diseased hearts!Bad habits can never change so break them now or we will end up in the pit of hell!
Tabligh! Over one lac prophets were sent just for this purpose and we do not even bother to think abut it!Are we mad or just dumb,deaf and blind! Okay Kids I end here that is if you are with me still -- May Allah swt bless you all with the best. Ameen -- Please remember me in your prayers and forgive me if in anyway I have hurt your feelings because that was not the intention. LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVE.
"May Allah swt bless,forgive,guide and protect us. Ameen"

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